Beginner’s Guide to Pharmacy Video Marketing

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Creating and sharing video content for your pharmacy may very well be the next big move for your overall GROWTH. Studies actually show that brand association dramatically increases after someone watches even just one video from your pharmacy, and according to HubSpot, 72% of customers would rather learn about a product or service by way of video.


Video marketing is HUGE for

  • expanding your following
  • building brand association
  • and generating a heightened sense of trust within your community!


It is no secret that video can be a very scary word to some. This discomfort can only amplify when one adds posting said videos to social media!

Fear not, however, as many pharmacies before you have navigated balance and success in demonstrating professionalism while still sharing a flare of their brand’s personality along the way.

You too can achieve balance in your video marketing strategy quicker than you may think!


Begin on the right path and save yourself some trial and error time by keeping these pharmacy video marketing tips in mind!



Many pharmacies are discovering their target audience base of patients and practitioners appreciate the personal touch and care that a video from a friendly face delivers.

If you are just starting out with speaking to a camera, this can be a big hurdle to get over, and if you are extremely lucky, speaking naturally to a camera may come right away for you. Please know, however, that for many of us, this is likely not the case!


The best way we can conquer our fear is by facing them headfirst, which is exactly what you and your team must begin to do.


Enhance the way you speak to the camera when you apply these practices:
  • Prepare a script beforehand to guide you through your dialogue. Use this guide loosely though, speak in a way that feels natural and comfortable to you at the moment!
  • Do a run-through of your video with someone you are comfortable with prior to actually getting in front of the camera.
  • Don’t be afraid to mess up! Record multiple takes and try different things each time to see what feels best.


Don’t let your first few tries at speaking within your video discourage you from continuing on. With a little time and a lot of practice, you will probably be amazed at how quickly your ability in front of a camera will improve!

An often overlooked component when strategizing your video marketing is video length.

When creating videos, it is in your and the viewer’s best interest that you keep your video concise and to the fact of the matter.


Three keys to keep in mind for the length of your videos:
  • Say or do something that will grab the viewer’s attention within the first 3-7 seconds.
  • Strip down your dialogue and avoid “fluff”. Not only does this save you time in content creation, but saves the viewer time as well!
  • Get straight to the point. The average viewer holds a very low attention span and despite your hard work, many will likely not watch your video all the way through. This provides all the more reason to not withhold the core message or important facts until the end, but to lead off strong.


With all of this in mind, don’t feel as though there is no room to share some of your personality or venture off-topic for the sake of adding a personal touch! We are simply suggesting that you don’t publish 5-10 minute videos every time you post.

The way your videos appear to the audience is something we must always consider when we record a video for social media.

Different platforms require different filming orientations and formatting specifications.


Filming your videos correctly the first time around
  • can save you the time and headache of having to reformat later.
  • elevates the quality and professional edge that your content produces.
  • makes the viewing experience far more pleasant and easy to digest.


Visit this “Always Up-to-Date” SproutSocial article that features all of the social media video specifications you could probably ever need:

Always Up-to-Date Guide to Social Media Video Specs


Just have fun with it and don’t take yourself too seriously. For something to be good, it doesn’t necessarily need to be perfect so don’t let that stop you from putting yourself and your pharmacy out there!



  • Remember to always display proper health/safety procedures should you choose to share any compounding-related processes.


  • Keep things accessibility friendly by ALWAYS including closed captioning on every video that this is applicable for.


  • Start out posting on the social media platforms you are most familiar with, and gradually explore new options as you gain more confidence and ability.


  • If your pharmacy has not already, consider creating a TikTok account! The pharmacy/compounding pharmacy community on TikTok has become fairly large and is a really fun space to be a part of. Don’t forget to apply hashtags like #PharmacyTikTok or #CompoundingPharmacy to your videos to make your posts visible within search inquiries.



If you read this far, enjoy these Compounding Pharmacy Video Ideas to that will help you GET STARTED TODAY!

It is 100% worth your time and effort to venture out of your comfort zone and hop on the trending train of posting video content for your pharmacy.

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