Best Pharmacy Website Designs

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The Pharmacist’s Guide to the Best Pharmacy Website Designs

It is more important now than ever for pharmacies to show up professionally and accurately online as the demand for updated, easy-to-navigate websites escalate from both patients and practitioners.

As a pharmacy professional, you know that delivering a secure online experience for your audience is an absolute necessity. Meeting this need will require the investment of a skillfully, custom-designed, HIPAA and ADA-compliant website that will best serve those who visit it.

The very best pharmacy website designs excel in these three major areas:

  • Completely custom coded and designed to the unique needs of your pharmacy, no templates necessary.
  • Clear messaging and efficient use of calls-to-action to best educate and guide users through the website.
  • An exceptional user experience made possible by a number of functionality-enhancing elements and attention to accessibility compliance.


Interested in learning more about what goes into creating the best pharmacy website designs? Read on!


Custom Website Design and Development

Every pharmacy is different, which is why every pharmacy website should be different!

Pharmacy websites that are developed in WordPress and use fresh, original code for the development of their design have the potential to outperform their competitors online in many ways.

  • It is a known fact that search engines push what they identify to be the most relevant content toward users. When you invest in a custom-coded website for your pharmacy, you are giving your brand the fuel it needs to be categorized as relevant according to search engine standards.
    • Moreover, having your pharmacy’s website developed in a website builder such as WordPress is one of the most SEO-friendly steps you can take toward getting your pharmacy noticed and outranking your competition.


  • WordPress websites are far more customizable than competing website builders, which allows your pharmacy the freedom to develop a site that is 100% custom to the unique needs of your staff and patients/practitioners.


  • Custom-built pharmacy websites can boost your credibility factor.
    • Although it may be quick and easy to use a cheap website builder, you are not the only one making use of the templated theme that you purchase. A custom website build actually has the power to enhance the reputation of your pharmacy by sending a message of professionalism and distinction from your competitors who may have lesser appealing websites.



Easy to Understand

If you are in the market for the best pharmacy website design, a huge pillar of importance to keep in mind is just how easy your design is for users to understand.

As a pharmacy, you likely serve a wide range of individuals with varying needs and abilities, therefore, your design needs to be able to be understood by the grand majority.

Here are some key qualities to consider for an extremely easy-to-understand website:

  • Compatibility and responsiveness on all browsers and devices.
    • When serving an audience group of a broad range of individuals, you want to ensure that you can meet each one in the way that they choose to view your content.
  • The hierarchy of content and elements on the pages make sense as a user scrolls through your site.
    • It will be very important that the menu on your website is clear and manageable to navigate, even for users who are not as technologically inclined as others.
  • Call-to-action buttons such as “Learn more” or “Book now”, for example, are efficiently placed throughout the design of the site.
    • A great website design that is full of call-to-actions not only helps your audience understand the steps they should be taking as they maneuver the web page, but saves the time and hassle of trying to figure out how to accomplish their next move.



Exceptional User Experience

The best way to increase your chances of healthy user engagement rates? A custom-designed website with your users’ best interest in mind.

From ADA-accessibility to responsive design and compatibility, to ease in navigation, and more, your website not only needs to suit your needs but more so, the needs of your patients and practitioners.

Pharmacy websites that are created with their patients’ and practitioners’ needs in mind have the greatest chance of amplifying their capacity to receive more user interaction and engagement, and therefore, more success and growth in the long run.

A simple and effective way to measure how good the user experience of a website truly is is to refer to Nielsen’s Usability Heuristics for User Interface Design:

  • Learnability: Are most users, if not all, able to accomplish and navigated all tasks that are provided on the website?
  • Efficiency: Does the design of the site work to save the user time?
  • Memorability: Is the functionality of the website intuitive enough that it will resonate with the site visitor the next time they return?
  • Errors: Has a series of elements been implemented into the design that helps decrease the number of user errors?
  • Satisfaction: Is the user experience an enjoyable and pleasant one that site visitors will want to return to?


Take some time to review how your current website compares through the eyes of these characteristics and note what areas need improvement the next time you choose to redesign your pharmacy’s website.


How Often Should You Redesign?

The average lifespan of a website is approximately 2-3 years. Allowing your pharmacy’s website design to surpass that time frame without implementing the use of fresh code can actually have a negative impact on your search engine rankings.

Investing in the longevity and continued success of your pharmacy by routinely upgrading and updating your online presence has been statistically proven to improve:

  • your search engine rankings, especially within your local market
  • your credibility and trust with your patients and practitioners
  • your pharmacy’s brand recognition across target audience groups
  • your users’ satisfaction in easily navigating updated information about your pharmacy

and much, much more!

The cost of a custom-built pharmacy website can be a hang-up as compared to the less expensive website builder options. However, a custom-built website not only provides you will all the items your pharmacy specifically needs, but it will also often come at a price that is totally unique to what you need while cutting out the unnecessary.

If your pharmacy is considering investing in a website design that accomplishes all the positives listed above, reach out to the experienced team at Storey Marketing for to get started!




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