FREE Digital SEO Tactics to Boost Your Pharmacy’s Website Traffic

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Your pharmacy website is your online hub, 24/7 advertising channel, educational resource, a potential point of contact for patients and practitioners, and so much more.

As a pharmacist, your website is an extension of your expertise. Your website NEEDS to grasp the focus of your target audience.

Keep reading to uncover completely FREE digital SEO tactics that may enhance your website traffic ratings.




Your pharmacy’s website in and of itself is a digital form of marketing, making strategizing in digital terms the natural next step.

There are plenty of routes you can navigate when trying to influence the digital algorithm in your favor. Capture online communities, optimize listings, and make your site more accessible with the reliable tactics listed below.


Blogging, Blogging, and More Blogging.


Blogging is great for driving traffic and boosting your organic SEO. As defined by Techopedia, organic SEO represents the methods used to obtain a high placement (or ranking) on a search engine results page in unpaid, algorithm-driven results on a given search engine.


Read this HubSpot article for more on why you NEED to uphold a regularly updated blog!


When you go to update your pharmacy’s blog, keep these Storey Marketing approved blogging practices in mind:

  • Publish as frequently as you can.
    • A realistic goal for those just starting is posting at least two-three blogs per month.


  • Provide scholarly or credible reference links within the content of each post.
    • External linkage can do wonders for SEO and often makes your content more valuable and informative.


  • Ensure that you are providing quality content centered on relevant topics.
    • Ask yourself, “would I read this post?”


  • Intertwine relevant and top-tier pharmacy keywords naturally.
    • Keywords are what fuel your search engine listing. Keep your pharmacy’s website listing on top by incorporating pertinent phrases and topics everywhere on your site.


Consider bookmarking this page for reference whenever you are creating fresh content.


Get Social.

Social media’s influence and abilities grow stronger each day. Making an impact on social platforms is a MUST for any pharmacy in this day and age.

Young or old, you can find most of your patient/practitioner audience on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. 

Below are a few ways you can start making waves on these social outlets and direct more users towards your pharmacy’s site:

  • Post consistently.
    • Consistency is a core element of all effective marketing strategies. Search engines heavily favor regularly updated content.


  • Use high-resolution imagery.
    • Hold your pharmacy to the standard of sharing only crisp, quality images on your social media, void of grainy or pixelated photos. Additionally, take the extra step to add keywords to your image names for an extra SEO boost.


  • Make the most out of your banners and cover photos.
    • Your social media page banners are prime real estate for promoting your services, specialties, latest offers, location, contact information, and of course, your WEBSITE. Don’t let this easy opportunity to drive more web traffic your way slide you by any longer.


  • Add relevant website links to posts as often as you can.
    • When pertinent to the post in question, paste a link from your website that directs readers to a page relevant to the post topic. To make this more effective, rather than simply pasting the link to the end of your content, prompt users to follow the link by providing a call to action such as “Follow this link for more information” or “Click here to read more about our…”, for example.


Worried you aren’t posting to your pharmacy’s business pages enough? We’ve got you covered. Contact us today to learn more about our Education-Based Compounding Pharmacy Social Media Posting program!



Evaluate Your Google My Business Listing.

It is in your pharmacy’s best interest to have a claimed Google My Business listing for several reasons.

A large fraction of your audience likely uses this resource to navigate to your store in Google Maps, give you a call, learn more about what you have to offer, discover your pharmacy, or even check to make sure you haven’t closed for the day.

Whatever the reasoning may be, your appearance on the other end of someone’s Google search should fully represent the level of professionalism and expertise you uphold as a pharmacy.

Check out this great article that provides 8 Reasons Every Business Needs an Optimized Google My Business Listing.



Our key recommendations for enhancing your listing would be to:

  • Ensure that your pharmacy’s website, contact, location, and hours of operation information are correct.


  • Make sure you have included popular keywords within your descriptions and post updates.


  • Check how long it’s been since you have posted photos and update accordingly. Don’t forget to keyword tag your images as well!


  • Respond to any customer reviews (positive or negative) in a professional manner.


Need some help optimizing your Google My Business listing? Give us a call at 814.337.3441 or contact us via email at to see how we can optimize your listing for you!


Organized? Check. Easy to Navigate? Double Check.

Take some time to assess the functionality of your pharmacy’s website. We would recommend revamping your infrastructure and heightening its overall accessibility.

As explained best in the dotcoms blog, “An accessible website or application gives your audience the power to consume your content, use your services, or purchase your products, no matter their device or disability.”

Some questions to ask yourself when reviewing your site features are:

  • Is it ADA-compliant?


  • Is it easy to navigate?


  • Does it provide a cookie consent statement?


  • Is it mobile-responsive?


  • Are the forms HIPAA-compliant?


  • Are the forms accessible?


  • Is the information organized in a sensical manner?


  • Is the information up-to-date?


When you design a new website with Storey Marketing, rest assured as your website is up-to-code with the latest in privacy policies, HIPAA regulations, ADA compliance, and more.

Search engines can identify when a website is more user-friendly and may even prioritize your listing over others for this reason alone.


In conclusion, we recognize that no one can do it all, so take this information in stride. Organic SEO is a long game, but with some time, consistency, and patience, you may amaze yourself with the milestones you reach.
Begin implementing these strategies today and begin generating more traffic like a pro!

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