Why Your Pharmacy NEEDS an ADA Accessible Website + Tax Credit Opportunity

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When assessing the ADA Accessibility of your pharmacy, compliance in terms of parking outside of your location, providing accessible walkways, and accommodations for employees with disabilities may be what enters your mind. That being said, what you may not have considered is that The Americans with Disabilities Act also includes ONLINE accessibility, (i.e. your pharmacy’s website!).

Website accessibility includes:

  • optimizing your site so that it can be read by screen readers (i.e. the images contain alternate text)
  • audio alternatives, such as closed captioning
  • ability to function optimally when using only a keyboard to navigate
  • and more.


Click here to learn more about accessibility basics for digital content.

So the question still stands, why should YOU invest in a custom-built, ADA-accessible pharmacy website? 

The only reasons you need are three-fold:

  • users who visit your pharmacy’s site benefit from the ease in maneuvering your content and online tools
  • if your website is NOT accessible, you risk your pharmacy becoming the target of a lawsuit
  • and perhaps the most interesting reason of them all, participating in digital compliance may benefit YOU come tax season.


Yes, you read that correctly.

Businesses with ADA-compliant websites may be eligible to receive an IRS tax credit!


If you developed a new site in 2021 or are looking to develop a new site in 2022, you will want to discuss your eligibility for a tax credit with your tax preparer. 

Small businesses that incurred expenses for ADA compliance (whether for website accessibility or other approved expenses) may qualify for the tax credit of up to 50% of eligible expenses.

The Storey Marketing team has been ensuring that sites we design are ADA Accessible since 2019 and it is a standard part of our development process.

In addition, we include HIPAA-compliant forms and install the “cookie consent” notice ahead of national enforcement on all sites we design.


Partner with a team with a long track record of great service and specialization in your field for your NEW website. 

Ready to learn more? Schedule a Call Today!


Read our previous blog post Email Marketing Strategies for Pharmacies which includes a FREE Email Newsletter Content Calendar Download!


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